
The Andi® Chat Tab allows you to configure Andi's chat responses, customize which of her default responses users will see, and gives you the flexibility to ensure users have the right information at the right time using language that resonates. This tab is located in the Configure section of the Andi Skills Manager.


In this Article


Test & Metrics

The Test & Metrics section allows you to do the following:

  1. Test what responses users will get based on certain words entered into Andi.
  2. Disable existing PrecisionLender responses that are not applicable.
  3. View analytics on engagement, outcomes, and user feedback.


Test Andi Responses

By default, Include Default Responses will be toggled on. This means Andi will present existing PrecisionLender help articles to users. If this option is toggled off, you will only receive custom responses and resources configured through the Custom Responses tab. This section also allows an admin to effectively manage all responses without having to navigate back and forth between PrecisionLender, while ensuring default responses are relevant for your organization.

This User says section allows admins the ability to test the interactions between financial statement responses, default PrecisionLender responses, and custom responses configured to ensure the right responses will be sent to users when chatting with Andi.

As admins are testing, they can select the red X under the Disable column next to any default PrecisionLender response to remove it from being displayed to users. As responses are removed, they will appear within the Disabled Responses tab.

The Type column indicates whether responses are defaulted to the application and can be disabled. 



The Analytics section displays all relevant metrics for interactions with Andi chat.

The time period for metrics can be changed by selecting Last 30 Days and updating to the desired time period. You can use this section to get an understanding of total Engagement, Outcomes, and User Feedback.

Information on what users have asked Andi and the responses can be found in the Chat section of the Analyze tab



  • Impressions - The number of times a user sees a response.
  • Unique impressions - The number of unique users who have seen impressions.
  • Actions - The number of times a user clicks on a response Andi provides.
  • Top Matched Entries - The top three custom chat user entries being returned to users.
  • Top Missed Entries - The top three user entries that did not receive a response from Andi.


  • Opportunities Impact - The count of opportunities that a user asked a question.

User Feedback

  • Helpful - The number of times a user selected the thumbs up icon for a response.
  • Not Helpful - The number of times a user selected the thumbs down icon for a response.


Custom Responses

The Custom Responses section allows you to enter custom responses and resources using language that is relevant for your organization.

To add a new response, select Add Custom Response. Custom responses can use a custom logo as uploaded within the Admin section of the Andi Skills Manager. As more responses are configured, you can easily search for key words to filter the custom response list or filter based on language. The sections below are all used to configure a custom response from Andi:

  • User Entry - The words that users will enter into Andi chat to receive the configured response. Multiple entries can be submitted for various ways a user might ask a question pertaining to that word or set of words. Be sure to click the plus symbol to add each word or words.
  • Actions - Per row, you can edit or delete responses.
  • Response Test - The test that will appear within Andi chat based on the words entered by a user. You can configure up to 4 responses per User Entry group which will appear as a bulleted list.
  • Response URL - If a URL is configured for a given response, the text will turn into a hyperlink to direct the user to the URL entered.
  • Last Modified - The date the custom response was last modified.
  • Last Modified By - The user that last modified the custom response.
  • Language - The language that is supported for the custom response .


Message Overrides

The Message Overrides section allows the ability to customize the default language used in the About Andi responses and Support responses. You can configure per language to ensure messaging is relevant for different languages.

About Andi

The default language used is present until an admin updates and saves. This is the language that appears when you first open the Andi chat window or when Andi doesn't have a response based on what a user entered.


The default language used is present until an admin update and saves. This is the language that appears if someone asks for help or is otherwise prompted for assistance. There are two checkboxes that allow you to be sent to PrecisionLender with a ticket created (checked by default) and/or email configured addresses with a message.


Disabled Responses

The Disabled Responses section is where any Andi responses that were disabled within the Test feature will display in case a user wants to restore the disabled response.

To restore a disabled response, select the trash can icon (trash_icon.jpg) under the Actions section. Once restored, the response will now appear again for all users and within the Test window.


Language Settings

The Language Settings section allows you to configure additional languages within Andi chat.

Select the dropdown to add additional languages and then click Save. When a language is enabled within this section, the language will appear as an option within each section to configure text and custom responses by.

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