To set up Forms, select Create Blueprint Skill located at the top of the Configure tab within the Skills page of the Andi Skills Manager and select the Forms icon.
Step 1: General
- Name: Provide a name for the skill that is relatively short, but long enough to understand the main purpose of the skill.
- Description: Provide a description that explains how, when, and what the skill does in the context of PrecisionLender.
Step 2: Location & Appearance
- Where would you like the notification to appear? This selection will allow you to choose whether you want the notification for the form to appear within a PrecisionLender field and/or the Andi summary window. Use the multi-select to choose both options if desired.
- Which types of products should show the notification? This selection allows you to choose which product types and which PrecisionLender tab (loans, deposits, other) the notification for the form is applicable for and will appear on.
- Which products should the notification appear for? For each product type selected in the prior input, select the products that the notification for the form should appear for.
- Which field(s) should display the notification? If ‘In Field’ was selected in the first input, select the PrecisionLender field(s) the notification for the form should appear in for each product type selected. Note, multi-select is available but ensure you consider the user experience when selecting more than 2 fields. Reference the Field Data Dictionary for information on how the fields listed match to PrecisionLender.
- What color tag would you like to use? Select the color tag that will display within the PrecisionLender field or Andi Summary window for the notification for the form. The different tag colors generally have meanings as noted and will appear in the following order: Orange, Green, Blue.
- What should the message be to the user? Enter the text that will lead to the form that will be shown to the user when the conditions configured are met.
- Do you want the tag to appear under a custom header? If you would like the notification for the form to display under a custom header, check the box. If left unchecked, the message will display under the default tag color header.
- Orange: Here are some concerns
- Green: Here are ways to reach the target
- Blue: Here are things to consider
- What should the custom header be? If the custom header box is selected, enter the text to be displayed for the header in which the notification for the form should appear under. Use the exact same text for multiple skills to group together messages under the same custom header.
Step 3: Conditions
- When should the notification appear? Select whether you want the notification for the form to always appear in the field/summary window or if the notification should only appear based on certain conditions of the opportunity.
- If ‘Based on Input’ is selected, click on the ‘Add Condition’ button to begin modeling what conditions or attributes of the deal need to be met for the notification to appear.
- Choose a field from: This determines what level of the opportunity should be looked at
- Opportunity – Refers to the fields in the header of the opportunity.
- Current Scenario – Refers to whichever scenario you are currently modeling to determine whether conditions are met.
- Pipeline Scenario – Refers to the scenario that is selected as pipeline to determine whether conditions are met.
- Commercial Loan Account – Refers to the individual loan being priced to determine whether conditions are met.
- Deposit Account – Refers to the deposit products being priced to determine whether conditions are met.
- Other Account – Refers to the other products being priced to determine whether conditions are met.
- Which fields should we check? Select the PrecisionLender field or opportunity metric to be used when deciding whether the notification for the form should display.
- Compare using: Select the comparator to use when deciding whether the notification for the form should appear. Comparators are different depending on the field selected. Date fields can be compared against current date and certain profitability metrics (ROE, ROEC, RORC, Net Income) can be compared against target.
- Compare to what value/enter amount? Enter the threshold or amount that determines whether the notification for the form should appear.
- Choose a field from: This determines what level of the opportunity should be looked at
- Add additional conditions depending on the criteria needed for that skill or utilize the ‘Add Group’ feature to compare groups of conditions against each other to determine whether a notification for the form should appear.
- By default, the AND comparator will be used when multiple conditions are added but, if clicked, can be changed to OR.
Step 4: Form Design
- Design your form: Click on the ‘Add Prompt’ button to add a line within the form that will appear in the configured areas of PrecisionLender after the notification is clicked on. Add multiple prompts for a form with multiple inputs requested from the user.
- Message: This is the text that will display as the question or description of what should be entered by the user as a response.
- Select a response type: Designate what type of response you’d like to receive back from user based on the following types:
- Text: The user can enter plain text.
- Number: The user can enter in a numerical value.
- Radio Buttons: You want the user to select one of multiple options in a list which can be added with the ‘Add Option’ button.
- Checkboxes: You want the user to select one or more of multiple options in a list which can be added with the ‘Add Option’ button.
- Dropdown: You want the user to select one of multiple options listed within a dropdown which can be added with the ‘Add Option’ button.
Step 5: Data Storage & Access
- Would you like to include any additional data from the opportunity? Select all of the opportunity attributes and metrics that you would like to be included as part of the csv file that will be available with the results of the form inputs from users.
- How would you like to access this data? You can access the data in two different ways:
- Skill Storage: After you build the skill, within the skill page, you will find a tab to the left labeled ‘Skill Storage’ where the data can be found and downloaded as often as desired.
- Send an Email: The data will be email on a selected cadence to the configured individuals.
- When should the email be sent? If email is selected, decide whether the email with the form data should be sent daily, weekly, or monthly. Note: Only opportunities saved within that time frame would be included in the report in the email.
- During which hour should the email be sent? If email is selected, select an hour within the day that the email should be sent with 0 being 12AM and 23 being 11PM.
- What day(s) of the month/week should the email be sent? If email is selected, depending on whether you have selected weekly or monthly, decide what day of week or month the email should be sent.
- Recipient: If email is selected, designate who you would like the email to be sent to within the To: line of the email.
- CC: If email is selected, designate who you would like the email to be sent to within the Cc: line of the email.
- Subject: If email is selected, enter what the subject of the email should be.
- Email Body: If email is selected, write the message that should appear in the email body with the csv report attached.
Step 6: Overview
- Any errors will be displayed in red at the top of this section, indicating that inputs need to be updated/changed in order to proceed with building the skill. The step that requires attention will also become orange with an exclamation point.
- An overview of all selections will be displayed for review.
- Click the green ‘Build’ button at the bottom of the configuration wizard to proceed with building the custom skill or ‘Closed & Discard’ to cancel out of the building process.