In this Article:
Alerts & Notifications
1. Bank of Purpose recently implemented a large-deal exception process for floating rate BoP needed a way to notify users when pricing loans that fall within the large-deal threshold that they should follow internal documentation for this process.
- Since this skill wants to notify users with a message, select the Alerts & Notifications blueprint.
- Select a name and provide a description of what the skill does:
- This skill will be relevant for all commercial loans and BoP wants to display this notification within the Amount field (to notify when updating the commitment amount) as well as the Andi summary window when viewing a summary of alerts.
- BoP only wants this notification to appear when a commercial loan is greater than $5MM in commitment amount AND the rate type is floating which are the conditions in which the message should appear.
- When users click on the message, BoP wants them to be brought to an internal website that houses documentation on the process. Since the message is a warning, BoP has selected the orange tag and configured the correct message. Lastly, BoP has a couple internal process skills which will all be grouped together under the same custom.
2. Bank of Purpose has received feedback from Relationship Managers that they are unsure which letter of credit type to select when pricing a letter of credit. BoP created internal resources describing which selection should be made based on the purpose of the LC. Now, BoP wants to provide these resources upfront when selecting the letter of credit.
- Since this skill wants to notify users with a message, select the Alerts & Notifications blueprint.
- Select a name and provide a description of what the skill does:
- This notification is only relevant for the Letter of Credit product and should only be providing within the Letter of Credit Type field. The Andi summary window is not needed to prevent information overload within the summary.
- This notification should always show, regardless of other opportunity attributes.
- When clicked, the user will be sent to internal resources with guidance on how to choose the correct letter of credit type. Since this is informational in nature, BoP selected the Blue tag with the configured message. BoP has multiple guidance skills all grouped together under the BoP Guidance.
3. Bank of Purpose has noticed that Relationship Managers are forgetting to select the correct funding source for fixed rate loans since the default is for floating rate BoP wants to notify users when they are pricing a fixed rate loan but the incorrect funding source is selected within the opportunity. In addition, they want to select the correct funding source on click.
- Since this skill wants to notify users with a message, select the Alerts & Notifications blueprint.
- Select a name and provide a description of what the skill does:
- This notification is relevant for all commercial loan products and BoP wants to provide the notification on the Rate Type field as well as the Andi Summary window to ensure the user is aware.
- The notification should only appear when the rate type is fixed rate AND the funding packing name (funding source PrecisionLender field) is the ‘Floating SOFR’ as the incorrect funding package has been selected.
- When the message is clicked, BoP wants the correct funding source to be selected based on the exact name. The message is configured with a warning and grouped under the BoP Guidance header.
4. Bank of Purpose has a specific Wealth Management team that provides accurate revenue projections for any opportunities with an wealth management deal. BoP wants RMs to send an email with the opportunity URL to ensure the RM receives accurate revenue projections and profitability metrics for the opportunity.
- Since this skill wants to notify users with a message, select the Alerts & Notifications blueprint.
- Select a name and provide a description of what the skill does:
- The notification should appear within the Andi summary window for Other Products when the Wealth Management product has been added.
- The notification should always appear if the wealth management product was added to the opportunity which was done within the selections in the step prior.
- On click, BoP wants an email to be sent with the opportunity name and URL to the wealth management inbox. The message is provided to invite the deal team under a deal team header.
5. Bank of Purpose has an exemption approval process based on opportunity commitment amount and ROE matrix. BoP wants to notify users when the opportunity will need exemption approval with an email to be sent to the approval inbox.
- Since this skill wants to notify users with a message, select the Alerts & Notifications blueprint.
- Select a name and provide a description of what the skill does:
- BoP wants the notification to appear within the Andi summary window and in the corresponding spread fields for fixed and floating rate structures.
- The notification should appear depending on the commitment amount and ROE of the opportunity. Since there are two sets of conditions based on the matrix, use the ‘Add Group’ function to model both conditions with the OR comparator between the groups.
- BoP wants an email to be sent to the approval inbox with the opportunity name and URL along with configured message under a header for all approvals required for this deal.
Configured Emails
1. Bank on Purpose wants to ensure that leadership is getting eyes on any deals priced below a certain spread threshold. BoP wants to receive an update each week with the loan products that were priced below an adjustable rate spread of 200bps or a fixed initial rate of 500bps.
- Since this skill wants to send an email with opportunity data, select the Scheduled Emails blueprint.
- Select a name and provide a description of what the skill does:
- BoP wants to start each week with the email with data from the prior week so leadership can follow up on these deals so 8AM on Monday is selected.
- The only data that should be included in the email is when adjustable rate spread is less than 200bps OR fixed rate spread is less than 500bps which are the two conditions with the OR comparator.
- The email will be sent to the leadership inbox with the pricing team included. To configure the email, BoP wrote an intro explaining the data included and then created a table with the opportunity data. Since this email is reporting on loan products, Commercial Loan Accounts (CLA) were selected as the rows and then the various columns were added.
2. Bank on Purpose has certain limitations in place with additional processes that need to be followed for loans with CRE collateral types. To ensure these deals are being viewed by the CRE leadership team, BoP wants an email with all loans priced during the week with the CRE collateral type.
- Since this skill wants to send an email with opportunity data, select the Scheduled Emails blueprint.
- Select a name and provide a description of what the skill does:
- BoP wants the email to be sent on Monday morning with all the deals priced in the last week.
- The only products that should be included in the email are when they are priced with the collateral type containing CRE which is the only condition.
- The email should be sent to CRE leadership with the body of the email including the product and collateral type. Since this data is at the product level, create a table with the Commercial Loan Account (CLA) as the rows per and add the additional columns.
3. Bank on Purpose has an escalated approval process that all opportunities below 7% ROE must follow. Leadership wants to ensure all deals currently in the approval status are being seen by leadership.
- Since this skill wants to send an email with opportunity data, select the Scheduled Emails blueprint.
- Select a name and provide a description of what the skill does:
- Leadership wants the end the week with a reconciliation of all deals.
- The data included in the email should be all opportunities within the Awaiting Approval deal stage and that have an ROE of less than 7%.
- The data in the email should be sent to the approval team with the pricing team included. Since the data is at the scenario level, select Scenario as the Rows Per for the table and include the columns needed in the email.
4. Bank of Purpose wants to ensure that all RMs are phasing out of pricing LIBOR deals. BoP wants an email on a monthly basis that reports any deals priced within the last month still using LIBOR as the rate curve.
- Since this skill wants to send an email with opportunity data, select the Scheduled Emails blueprint.
- Select a name and provide a description of what the skill does:
- BoP wants this email at the beginning of a new month.
- The only condition is if a commercial loan account is priced based on the index containing LIBOR within the name.
- The email should be sent to the pricing team with the opportunity name, URL, and owner to reach out an transition the deal to another index. Since this is at the opportunity level, select Opportunities as the Rows Per for the table.
1. Bank of Purpose wants to understand whether a loan is syndicated or bilateral and the participants, if applicable, to use when running analytics on deals being actively priced.
- Since this skill wants to capture additional data through a form, select the Form blueprint.
- Select a name and provide a description of what the skill does:
- BoP wants RMs to enter this information when entering the amount for a loan with a warning message to enter the status under a custom header for information needed skills.
- This status is only relevant for loans greater than $5MM which is the only condition required.
- There are two questions we want RMs to The RM should select whether the loan is syndicated or bilateral and if syndicated, who the participants are in free text.
- Lastly, BoP wants to receive this information via email in a csv every Friday with certain loan attributes included within the report.