General Improvements

  • Fixed a bug where skills couldn't prepopulate search values for Facility Ratings and Funding Packages 
  • We've updated the Minimum Spread Over Cost of Funds - Warning skill to include liquidity premiums as part of the CoF, and to account for differences in interest options between selections
  • We've improved our Portfolio Notifications Email skill to allow the configuration of multiple versions of the notification email
  • We've updated the Portfolio Insights - Upcoming Renewals skill to look at all levels of the relationship hierarchy, instead of only the top level
  • We've added two new Renewal Insights skills that provide insights into key changes to a given renewal or payoff:
    • Renewal Insights - Loan Attributes: When a relationship is selected and existing loan(s) marked as payoff, Andi will notify you of changes to commitment amount, utilization, funded balance, spread, annual fees, initial fees, and facility rating (if applicable)
    • Renewal Insights – Profitability Attributes: When a relationship is selected and existing loan(s) marked as payoff, Andi will notify you of changes to ROE, Net Income, Net Interest Income, and Revenue


Andi Skills Manager

  • Fixed a bug in blueprints where header-related fields (relationship search, pricing date, etc) caused duplicate messages
  • Fixed a bug where blueprints could not set values for annual fee fields
  • Fixed a bug where Forms blueprint config could get stuck on the Form Design step
  • Added Stage Name as a blueprint targetable field
  • Added Prepayment Option as a blueprint targetable field
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