Delivery to Promise - Other Fee Based Revenue


Driven by the Delivery to Promise - Other Products data library report, this skill displays summary tags that compare previously projected fee revenue (projected + existing) as of last Closed Won opportunity against delivered fee revenue (maximum fee revenue since) to help RMs make accurate fee revenue projections. When the message is clicked, information on when the last opportunity was priced and key metrics on fee revenue (starting, average, ending, and promised) are presented with a visualization. Only the fee products that have promises will be included in the dataset for this skill.


In this Article


Configuring and Testing the Skill

Before enabling the skill for the targeted audience, you first need to ensure that the skill is working properly by testing it. To do this, navigate to the skill details page to configure and enable the skill for your Testing audience:

  • Select Testing under the Audiences section.
  • In the Version dropdown menu, select the version of the skill that you want to test. This will display the skill configurations.
  • In the General Configuration section on the skill details page, enter the following information to configure the skill:

General Configuration

  • Show hyperlink to recent opportunity? - By default, a hyperlink is placed below the Delivered Fee Revenue visual that points to the Opportunity where the promises in the visual were made. You can remove the hyperlink with this option.
  • Fee Revenue Tag Header - The header text that this tag (and any other Delivery to Promise tags you have enabled) is grouped under.
  • Fee Revenue Tag Message - This text is the message the summary tag will display. {{currentBalance}} is a placeholder that will be replaced with the current total balance of Fee Revenue. {{promisedBalance}} will be replaced with the total balance that was promised in the most recent Closed Won opportunity.
  • Fee Revenue Visual - Header - This text will display above the Delivered Fee Revenue visual. {{promisedNewBalance}} will be replaced by the total of new Fee Revenue balances promised in the most recent Closed Won opportunity. {{promiseDate}} is the date for that opportunity. {{exisitingBalance}} will put in the total fee revenue balances when the last opportunity was closed. {{deliveredBalance}} will insert the amount of the net new fee revenue balance that has been delivered - the max value the balance has ever reached in the period.
  • Deposit Visual - View Recent Hyperlink - This text is displayed as a hyperlink below the Delivered Fee Revenue visual and links to the most recently priced Closed Won opportunity for the selected Relationship.

Select Enable Changes to enable the skill for the Testing audience. Once you've enabled this skill for testing, make sure you've added the users who will be testing the skill to the Testing audience.


Enabling the Skill

After you've viewed and tested the skill, you are ready to enable the skill for the targeted Audience.

  • Navigate back to the skill details page for the skill you were testing.
  • In the Audiences section, select the targeted audience for this skill and choose the version of the skill you're enabling. When the latest skill version is published by the skill owner, it will automatically be available for selection in the list.
  • Open the configuration and select Copy Config From… to copy all of your configuration settings from the Testing audience.
  • Select Enable Changes to enable the skill for the targeted audience.


After enabling the skill for the targeted audience, we recommend disabling it for the Testing audience.

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