What do the field tag colors mean on the Opportunity Screen?

  • Green tags let you know that Andi® has suggestions in this field to help you reach a goal.
  • Blue tags indicate that Andi® has additional information for you.
  • Orange tags mean that Andi® has a warning or a concern.
  • Red tags mean that Andi® has found an invalid entry, such as a letter in a field that only accepts numbers.

Once you’ve asked Andi® a question in the chat window, the purple color lets you know that Andi® has additional resources or articles to help you.

Why is there a logo next to an Andi® alert?

When an organization or third party vendor creates a skill, we'll differentiate those skills with logo flags. That symbol signals to you the origin of the skill, and helps you better make judgement on quality and value.

I wish Andi® had this...

Have an idea for an Andi® skill? Nice! Andi® is always getting smarter through the Andi® development team, but she also learns from third party vendors and even internal developers, too.

To make a skill request:

Does your company have an Andi® skill developer already?
Want to learn how to become an Andi® skill developer?
Email or call our support team with your request at support@andi.com or 1-877-506-2744.


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