This article covers how to log in to your Andi® Skills Manager.
In this Article
SSO Login
Logging in to the Skills Manager is achieved using single-sign on (SSO).
- If your organization has elected to use their own SSO identity provider, you will access the Skills Manager through that portal.
- If your organization does not have an SSO identity provider, PrecisionLender will act as the SSO provider (You will need a PrecisionLender account set up with the same email address as your Andi® account. If you do not have one, this can be created by an administrator at your organization.).
Logging in with PrecisionLender
Navigate to your PrecisionLender login screen. Once you are logged into your PrecisionLender application:
If you have complete Regional or System Wide Administrative Rights in PrecisionLender
- Select Andi Skills Manager in the bottom left-hand side blue navigation bar, which will redirect you to your Andi® Skills Manager dashboard
If you do not have complete Regional or System Wide Administrative Rights in PrecisionLender
- Once you are logged into your PrecisionLender application, you may redirect to your Andi® Skills Manager by editing or copying your PrecisionLender URL and replacing the text after “.com” with "/andi".