In this article
Accessing the Andi® application via a web browser
The Andi® application is accessed through the following URL:
-, or if your bank has a custom login address, use that URL
- See Logging into Andi® for details about how to log in
- Visits to the http version of the URL will be automatically redirected to the https version
- Ports 80 and 443 should be allowed in order to connect.
If you need to whitelist our system for proxy reasons, we do not recommend whitelisting the Andi® application via IP address since that address may change over time.
- *
- Additional sub-domains including the following are also used, so a blanket whitelisting of * is recommended
- Additional sub-domains including the following are also used, so a blanket whitelisting of * is recommended
If you're able to log in to Andi® but are experiencing performance problems, for example transactions that time-out, check with your network administrator regarding your HTTPS Packet Inspection policy. If your company does employ HTTPS Packet Inspection it may be necessary to add a "Bypass rule" for the domain, similar to the steps provided here for the Check Point brand firewall solution.
Email Whitelisting
Andi® uses email service providers (ESPs) to communicate with our clients and users for situations such as:
- Client support
- User password reset requests
- Product update newsletters
- Automated usage statistics emails
We strongly recommend that all clients whitelist all email coming from the and domains ( is used for transactional emails such as password resets).
Supporting Domains requiring Whitelisting
Zendesk - Our support center is hosted at Zendesk and many of the resources on our support site are served from:
- *
Wistia - We rely on streaming video content for support and training materials. These videos are served from:
- *
- *