In this article, we’ll go over how to use the power functionality when writing your skills in the IDE.
In this Article
What is a Power?
A Power is a built-in function that you can use to help you write your skills. Most powers will return a promise.
When to use a Power
When defining your variables or return statements to perform a common task, you should see if an applicable power is available to simplify your code.
How to Call a Power
Use IntelliSense throughout each step to choose from available options or refer to the Andi® Powers documentation in the Skill Manager. The following contains an example of one of many available powers.
To reveal available powers, use the skillContext powers property:
Then, you’ll select the source of the power.
Then, you’ll select the power context.
Then, you’ll select the method, which contains the function you will use.
Powers and Async/Await
Because most powers return a promise, you can use the Async/Await pattern to allow for any calls that are returning a promise to be awaited on without needing to call .then(), making your code appear synchronous.
For example:
export async function shouldIRun(skillContext:andiSkills.ISkillContext): Promise {
const event: andiSkills.IApplicationEvent = skillContext.event as andiSkills.IApplicationEvent;
const shouldIRunPower: any = skillContext.powers.andi.shouldIRun;
const opportunityPower: any = skillContext.powers.precisionLender.opportunity;
if (event.applicationEventName && event.applicationEventName.indexOf("scenarioRecalculated") > -1) {
const opportunityModel: OpportunityModel
= await opportunityPower.getCurrentOpportunityModel();
if (!opportunityModel) { throw new Error("Missing opportunityModel"); }
const commercialLoanAccounts: CommercialLoanAccount[] = opportunityModel.engineModel.commercialLoanAccounts;
if (!commercialLoanAccounts) { throw new Error("Missing commercialLoanAccounts"); }
const currentlyViewContext: any = skillContext.event
.currentlyViewedContext.find((context) => {
return context["name"] &&
context["name"] === "commercialLoanAccount" &&
context["selectedTab"] &&
context["selectedTab"] === true;
if (!currentlyViewContext) { throw new Error("Missing currentlyViewContext"); }
const currentCommercialLoanAccount: CommercialLoanAccount =
commercialLoanAccounts.find((commercialLoan) => {
return commercialLoan.id === currentlyViewContext.id;
if (!currentCommercialLoanAccount) {
throw new Error("Missing currentCommercialLoadAccount");
await (skillContext).setSkillRunState("currentLoan", currentCommercialLoanAccount);
return shouldIRunPower.shouldIRunTrue();
return shouldIRunPower.shouldIRunFalse();