You can view information about, upload files, or update configurations for a skill on its skill page. This article will go over how to navigate the skill details page.
In this Article
The Skill Page
How to Get to the Skill Page
On the Configure Skills Dashboard, select the desired skill card to get to the skill details page. The left panel consists of two main sections: Setup and Review. In the Setup section, you can view and manage your Audience configurations as well as manage any Storage or Data Set files, if applicable. The Review section allows you to view skill History, Errors, and Debug Logs.
General Information
The top of the Setup section will provide the following information about the skill:
- Skill Writer
- Name and Organization information.
- Skill Description
- The description of the skill and how it works.
- Language
- This lists the available languages for the skill.
The Analytics section allows you to view usage data for your skill's performance. See Skill Analytics for more information.
The Audiences section is where you will manage enabling and disabling your skill in your various audiences. This is also where you'll update skill configuration values if applicable to your skill.
You can prioritize your Audiences from highest priority to lowest by clicking on the icon and dragging it to where you would like it to show in the list. You can also click on the
icon and use the up and down arrows on your keyboard to move the priority.
If a user belongs to more than one enabled audience, Andi will shows results for the audience with the highest priority.
The Everyone audience is unable to be moved to a different priority.
To edit an Audience, select the pencil icon under Actions.
On the next screen, you can choose skill version you would like to enable for the audience and modify any configurations. When you're ready to make the skill live, select the green Enable Changes button.
To disable a skill for a particular Audience, select the Disable button in the top section of the Audiences page.
The Storage section is where you can upload, delete, or download files that are used for semi-static skills.
File data must be UTF-8 encoded. There is a file size limit of 100 MB.
- The Files table will always be available regardless of if needed for the skill.
- Uploaded files will default to alphabetically sort by name. When uploading files, you have the ability to upload any file type, however we recommend using CSV or JSON files to utilize the built-in Andi® capabilities.
File names are treated as strings.
- The Files table will paginate when more than 20 files have been uploaded. Each subsequent page will contain a maximum of 20 files. Any file uploaded after the 20th file will add to the end of the current page you are on. You will need to refresh the skill page in order for the pagination to take effect.
- Uploaded files will default to alphabetically sort by name. When uploading files, you have the ability to upload any file type, however we recommend using CSV or JSON files to utilize the built-in Andi® capabilities.
- The Data Sets table will only appear if defined in the skill code.
Skill History
The History tab shows the history of skill events such as skill versions being deployed, enabled and disabled in an audience, and deleted. By default, you will see skill history up to a week ago from the current date. If you want to filter by a different date range, click into the Start Date and End Date fields to change the dates.
In the Action drop down, you can choose how you want to filter the skill history by selecting an option from the list. For example, if you only want the history to show when the skills configurations were updated, select 'Update Skill Config'.
Using the Audience drop down, you can filter the skill history based on the audience (everyone, testing).
When adjusting filters, be sure to select the Search button to refresh the results.
Skill Errors
The Errors tab shows any errors that occur that prevent the skill from running.
By default, you will see errors up to a week ago from the current date. If you want to filter by a different date range, click into the Start Date and End Date fields to change the dates. You can also filter the errors by Skill Version. Click the drop down to select the skill version you would like to see errors for.
When adjusting filters, be sure to select the Search button to refresh the results.
On each error in the list, you will see a short message that describes the error. Click on the error to view additional information about it. You'll also see the Source of the error, the skill Version in which the error occurred, and the Date and time the error occurred.
Debug Logs
The Debug Logs section allows you to view debug log messages for the skill.
By default, you will see logs up to a week ago from the current date. If you want to filter by a different date range, click into the Start Date and End Date fields to change the dates. You can also filter log messages by a specific event by typing the Event Name in the text field.
To filter logs by a specific skill version, click the Skill Version drop down to select the version you would like to see messages for.
When adjusting filters, be sure to select the Search button to refresh the results.
Email Logs
The Email Logs section allows you to view email deliveries and provides a log of each email that includes delivery status. This section is only applicable if the skill uses the email powers.
When adjusting filters, be sure to select the Search button to refresh the results.
How to return to the dashboard
To return to the Configure Skills dashboard after viewing or making changes on the skill page, select the Configure tab at the top of the skill page.
You can also select Skills from the menu bar at the top of the page.