Swap Recommendation - Notification


Andi® will provide a customizable message to encourage offering a swap and to seek pricing, when the current loan meets 3 conditions: the selected product is enabled in skill settings, the amount meets or exceeds the threshold configured, and the maturity meets or exceeds the threshold configured.

Products can have varying thresholds. To further enable the process of seeking pricing, an email action can be enabled that will make the message actionable. That click action automatically sends a message with a summary of the opportunity containing swap pricing request details. You can choose for that email to be delivered to a list of provided emails, a CC going to the requestor, or you can have it delivered directly to the requestor who could then edit and send as needed.

This article will cover configuring and testing the skill, and viewing and enabling it in PrecisionLender.


In this Article


Configuring and Testing the Skill

Before enabling the skill for the targeted audience, you first need to ensure that the skill is working properly by testing it. To do this, navigate to the skill details page to configure and enable the skill for your Testing audience:

  • Select Testing under the Audiences section.
  • In the Version dropdown menu, select the version of the skill that you want to test. This will display the skill configurations.
  • In the General Configuration section on the skill details page, enter the following information to configure the skill:

General Configuration

  • Are Swaps Enabled? - Select this option if you use PrecisionLender's standard Swaps feature by having it enabled as a pricing type for loan products. This selection will add another layer of filtering on top of the products captured in Grouped Product Settings below. If a product is identified below, but swaps aren't enabled for it, this will suppress the message.
  • Enable E-Mail Action - If selected, the notification message will become a hyperlink that automatically sends a message to the emails listed below.
  • Email Delivery Option - Only valid if you have enabled the email action above. When the configured skill message is actioned, where would you like the email to be delivered to? "For Pricing" will send it to all the emails you have listed below and CC the requestor. "To Requestor" will only send to the requestor and they have the option to amend the message and send to the appropriate parties.
  • Email Address - (Optional) Enter the email address(es) for the recipient(s) of the swap pricing request email. If you enter multiple addresses, separate them with commas and a space. (For example: test@bankemail.com, test2@bankemail.com)
  • Show Relationship Details in Email? - If email action is enabled, should a summary of the full relationship be included in the pricing request email? Relationship details will indicate it is a prospect if nothing exists.
  • Fee Product Guidance - If you don't use PL's standard swaps functionality, and would like to provide guidance on a fee product you use as swap revenue entry, select this option.
  • Swap Recommendation Text - Enter the message that will display to the Relationship Manager on a loan to notify them to consider a swap.
  • Swap Recommendation Text - Already Requested - Enter the modified message that will inform the Relationship Manager that they've already requested pricing for loans on the current Scenario but can do so again to update it.
  • Fee Product Reminder - If you select the Fee Product Guidance option above, the skill will detect if your selected fee product is being priced and present a message to remind the user to request pricing. If they have already requested pricing by clicking the send email action, this message will not appear, or will go away if it already has.
  • Fee Product - Pricing Already Requested - If pricing has already been requested, this simple reminder message will state that if the configured Fee Product used for swaps is selected. It can remind a request is in but to ensure the existing request has all loans being considered for swap, in case they add more after the initial request.
  • Message to Andi Requesting Email - If enable email action is selected, clicking the swap recommendation text will send a chat message to Andi that will trigger the request email to be sent.
  • Email Confirmation Message - This message in the Andi chat window confirms the send email action completed.
  • Email Subject - Enter the subject for the email that will be sent to the configured email address(es).
  • Email Salutation - When the email is sent to the requestor, it opens with "Hi Name Here". Use this to change the salutation.
  • Email Statement - For Pricing - This statement appears at the top of the body of the email generated with swaps requests. "For Pricing" is written on behalf of the requestor. {{userFullName}} can be placed anywhere and is replace with the users full name. {{- linkToOpportunity}} can be placed anywhere to provide a hyperlink to the opportunity.
  • Email Statement - To Requestor - This statement appears at the top of the body of the email generated with swaps requests. "To Requestor" is written to the user themselves. {{- linkToOpportunity}} can be placed anywhere to provide a hyperlink to the opportunity.
  • Email Contact Reminder - If the email is being sent to the requestor, but email addresses are provided as contacts, a line to remind the requestor who to contact that inserts those addresses will be added. This line precedes those added contacts.
  • Email - Header to Loan Summary Table - Title above the Loan Summary table.
  • Email - Loan Type Column - Column title in Loan Summary table.
  • Email - Amount Column - Column title in Loan Summary table.
  • Email - Index Column - Column title in Loan Summary table.
  • Email - Rate Column - Column title in Loan Summary table.
  • Email - Maturity Column - Column title in Loan Summary table.
  • Email - ROE Column - Column title in Loan Summary and Full Relationship Detail tables.
  • Email - Target ROE Column - Column title in Loan Summary table.
  • Email - Header to Relationship Summary Table - Title above the Full Relationship Summary table.
  • Email - Name Column - Column title in Full Relationship Details table.
  • Email - Loan Commitments Column - Column title in Full Relationship Details table.
  • Email - Deposit Balances Column - Column title in Full Relationship Details table.
  • Email - Fee Product Revenue Column - Column title in Full Relationship Details table.
  • Email - Annual Net Income Column - Column title in Full Relationship Details table.

Grouped Product Settings 1

  • Products - Select the loan product(s) for which a swap should be recommended. Your selections here will use the matching thresholds provided below. Selecting no products will enable the skill for "all others" not included in other Grouped Product Settings and utilize the thresholds below if you choose to set them.
  • Amount Threshold - Enter the minimum loan amount for which a swap should be recommended as a number. You can include commas but do not include a dollar sign. For Example: 1000000 or 1,000,000. At this loan amount or higher, Andi will recommend considering a swap for the product(s) entered above.
  • Maturity Threshold - Enter the minimum maturity month for which a swap should be recommended as a number. For example: 120. At this maturity or higher, Andi will recommend considering a swap for the configured product(s) if the commitment is at or above the configured amount.


Grouped Product Settings 2

  • Products - Select the loan product(s) for which a swap should be recommended. Your selections here will use the matching thresholds provided below. Selecting no products will enable the skill for "all others" not included in other Grouped Product Settings and utilize the thresholds below if you choose to set them.
  • Amount Threshold - Enter the minimum loan amount for which a swap should be recommended as a number. You can include commas but do not include a dollar sign. For Example: 1000000 or 1,000,000. At this loan amount or higher, Andi will recommend considering a swap for the product(s) entered above.
  • Maturity Threshold - Enter the minimum maturity month for which a swap should be recommended as a number. For example: 120. At this maturity or higher, Andi will recommend considering a swap for the configured product(s) if the commitment is at or above the configured amount.

Select Enable Changes to enable the skill for the Testing audience. Once you've enabled this skill for testing, make sure you've added the users who will be testing the skill to the Testing audience.


Viewing the Skill in PrecisionLender


Once you've configured the fields applicable for this skill, double check that the fields on the loan product in the opportunity meet the following criteria:

  • The Product is enabled in the skill settings.
  • The Amount meets or exceeds the configured threshold.
  • The Maturity is equal to or greater than the number configured.

When the fields on the loan product match, the Andi® skill will run and the swap message will appear under the Here are some things to consider section. If you have configured email addresses, the message will display as a hyperlink that you can click on. This will open an email window with a draft for you to edit as needed.


Enabling the Skill

After you've viewed and tested the skill, you are ready to enable the skill for the targeted Audience.

  • Navigate back to the skill details page for the skill you were testing.
  • In the Audiences section, select the targeted audience for this skill and choose the version of the skill you're enabling. When the latest skill version is published by the skill owner, it will automatically be available for selection in the list.
  • Open the configuration and select Copy Config From… to copy all of your configuration settings from the Testing audience.
  • Select Enable Changes to enable the skill for the targeted audience.


After enabling the skill for the targeted audience, we recommend disabling it for the Testing audience.

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