For loans that meet or exceed the loan's target return and have an initial fee less than 5% of the loan amount, Andi® will recommend adjusting the initial fee to increase the loan's ROE. The percent increase to the loan's ROE (X%) will be configured in the skill settings and used to calculate the fee increase (Y%). The message displayed to the Relationship Manager is: Add Y% to the Initial Fees to increase the ROE to about Z% (Current ROE * X%). If the Relationship Manager chooses to adjust the initial fee, Andi® will continue offering recommendations for the initial fee until a ceiling of 5% is reached.
This article will cover configuring and testing the skill, and viewing and enabling it in PrecisionLender.
You must configure this skill in the skills manager prior to using it in PrecisionLender.
In This Article
Configuring and Testing the Skill
Before enabling the skill for the targeted audience, you first need to ensure that the skill is working properly by testing it. To do this, navigate to the skill details page to configure and enable the skill for your Testing audience:
- Select Setup Audience to view a list of available audiences, and then select the Testing audience.
- In the Choose skill version drop down, select the latest version of the skill (if it is not already selected).
- In the General Configuration section, enter the following information to configure the skill:
- Desired ROE Increase - Enter an amount in this field to indicate how much the ROE should be increased by in bps. Enter a decimal point if needed. You can also use the percentage sign, but this is optional.
- Fee Recommendation Ceiling - Enter the maximum percentage of fees to loan amount the skill should coach up to. For example, to stop coaching fees at 3% of the loan amount, enter 3.
- Once the skill is configured, select the Next button to preview the skill.
- Click Complete Setup & Enable Skill to turn it on for the Testing audience. Once you've enabled this skill for testing, make sure you've added the users who will be testing the skill to the Testing audience.
Viewing the Skill in PrecisionLender
If the fees on the loan you're pricing exceeds the target return, Andi® will display the following message: 'Add X% to the Initial Fees to increase the ROE by X%'. This is the number that you've configured in the skills manager.
You can apply the suggestion Andi® has given by clicking on the message. This will update the applicable fields for you.
Always remember to save the opportunity to apply any changes.
Enabling the Skill
After you've viewed and tested the skill, you are ready to enable the skill for the targeted Audience.
- Navigate back to the skill details page for the skill you were testing.
- In the Audiences section, select the targeted audience for this skill and choose the version of the skill you're enabling. When the latest skill version is published by the skill owner, this will automatically be available for selection in the list.
- Re-enter the skill configurations.
- Select Save to enable the skill for the targeted audience.
After enabling the skill for the targeted audience, we recommend disabling it for the Testing audience.