
When a fixed loan has a term of five years or more, Andi® prompts the RM to consider adding a scenario for a floating or an adjustable rate type. The maturity threshold and the notification message are configurable through the Skills Manager.


In This Article


Configuring and Testing the Skill

Before enabling the skill for the targeted audience, you first need to ensure that the skill is working properly by testing it. To do this, navigate to the skill details page to configure and enable the skill for your Testing audience:

  • Select Testing under the Audiences section.
  • In the Version dropdown menu, select the version of the skill that you want to test. This will display the skill configurations.
  • In the General Configuration section on the skill details page, enter the following information to configure the skill:

General Configuration 

  • Tag Message - (Optional) The message to be shown to the RM when the skill is shown. If not configured the default message is "Based on the length of this fixed loan you should consider adding a scenario with a floating or adjustable rate type."

Grouped Product Settings 1

  • Maturity Threshold - (Optional) The maturity threshold for this skill. If not configured, the default is 60 months.
  • Products - Select the loan product(s) where the skill message should fire. Your selections here will use the matching thresholds provided below. Selecting no products will enable the skill for "all others" not included in other Grouped Product Settings and utilize the thresholds below if you choose to set them.

Select Enable Changes to enable the skill for the Testing audience. Once you've enabled this skill for testing, make sure you've added the users who will be testing the skill to the Testing audience.


Viewing the Skill in PrecisionLender

shows the skill message in Andi

In order for Andi® to display this skills message, the fields on the loan product in the opportunity must meet the following criteria:

  • The Rate Type is Fixed
  •  The Maturity is greater than or equal to 60 months

When the fields on the loan product match, the Andi® skill will run and the message will appear under the Here are some concerns section. 


Enabling the Skill

After you've viewed and tested the skill, you are ready to enable the skill for the targeted Audience.

  • Navigate back to the skill details page for the skill you were testing.
  • In the Audiences section, select the targeted audience for this skill and choose the version of the skill you're enabling. When the latest skill version is published by the skill owner, it will automatically be available for selection in the list.
  • Open the configuration and select Copy Config From… to copy all of your configuration settings from the Testing audience.
  • Select Enable Changes to enable the skill for the targeted audience.


After enabling the skill for the targeted audience, we recommend disabling it for the Testing audience.

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