- Andi now sends a loanAdded event when a loan is added that includes some loan information
- Andify now supports a preview option for additional data, and customizable Learn More links text.
- Fixed issue where skills were not displayed in the Gallery in Table View
- Fixed a display issue for some graphs in preview mode
- Updated Typescript to 4.2.3
- Updated "Additional Information" skill functionality. This skill can now set the "Learn More" language and we've added a "Minimize" button.
- Fixed a bug that could rarely cause tags to not appear if checking against the Andi event sequence
Andi Skills Builder
- Updated Andi Skills Builder documentation for the getPropertyFromCurrentCommercialLoanAccount and getPropertyFromSpecificCommercialLoanAccount Commands, visible on
- Added a review for dependency calls, similar to the view for skill errors and debug logs
- Fixed the conversation template so a new skill based on it can be deployed immediately