
The Andi Skills Platform provides functionality to send email notifications through Email Powers either on demand or on a scheduled basis. Skill Email Usage Analysis provides information about those emails. If Skill Emails are allowed for an organization, the primary summary indicators for Sent and Bounce Rate will be available as well,.

Along with the summary indicators, there is a log of each email and the corresponding skill when available that provides additional detailed information.


Date Range

Initially the display provides information based on the Last 7 days. By using the combo box, this can be changed to Last 30 days or you can use the custom selection to specify dates.

When custom dates are used, as soon as a change to the start or end date is made, the data will refresh.

Summary Indicators

Summary Indicators provide aggregated data based on the the Date Range selection. Hovering your mouse over any indicator will display its definition.

Emails Sent

The total count of emails sent. If your organization has skill emails turned off, this value will always be zero.

Email Bounce Rate

The rate of any errors that prevent your skills email from reaching its destination. While some bounces may occur, your global error rate should be less than 1%. High bounce rates may indicate the use of invalid email addresses or that recipient flagging your email as spam.

Emails Opened

A measure of how many skill emails were opened. If an email is opened multiple times this value will include that count. If open tracking is not turned off, for any emails this value will be zero.

Email Links Clicked

A measure of how many links were clicked within the email. If open tracking is not turned off, for any emails this value will be zero

Skill Emails

The Log of Skill Emails contains detailed information about all the emails specified by the Date Range. Each row represents a single request made in skill via the Email Powers.
  • Skill Name - the name of the skill. Since skills can be deleted there is a chance that Skill Name may be blank.
  • Subject - the email subject line.
  • Recipients - the email recipients.
  • Status - the status of the email. This will either be 'Sent' or 'Bounced'.
  • Timestamp - when the email was dispatched.
  • Version - the version number of the skill. Since skills can be deleted there is a chance that Skill Version is 0.
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